Loomin Lumen @ Lightwave
Just putting the finishing touches to finally finish Loomin Lumen.

An Abstract on “An (abstr)Act of Creation”
An bit of an update about the show I recently had entitled “An (abstr)Act of Creation.”

Abstract Organics
Abstract Organics is a group exhibition of painting, ceramics and sculpture by Julia Castiglioni, Tim Price and Stephen Bond.

Holey Blob! It’s a prize winner
This is a bit of a latent blog and I didn’t expect it at the time but my sculpture entitled Holey Blob won the Art Farm Birches Bay large sculpture prize.

Okines Sandflats Sculpture Installation
Recently we held an event that utilised a selection of sculptures placed out on Okines Sandflats at Dodges Ferry. The installation was held at a time when the tide was out and the sun was setting.

Happy Kinda Thang
"Happy Kinda Thang" was the first medium sized alumaché piece that ever I made. Geepers we've both gone through gone some changes since then.

Sax with Friends at a Swansea 70th
Last weekend the sax went down a treat at Swansea for H’s 70th birthday party extending both Friday and Saturday nights, the days between & after & including 2 cakes
An artist musician website
It’s been a bit tricky working out how to create a website that centres around a litany of interests and skills you have.
Stephenbond.com.au is a culmination and portel of personal creativity arrows that I have in my quiver. It attempts to take in those creative things that I have decided to user to make my lifes crust from … or not … from this point on.